Maple Syrup Production for the Beginner Part 3: Sugaring Seasons
Cornell University’s Maple Specialist, Steve Childs, offers this video series for beginning sugarmakers.
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Cornell University’s Maple Specialist, Steve Childs, offers this video series for beginning sugarmakers.
Cornell University’s Maple Specialist, Steve Childs, offers this video series for beginning sugarmakers.
Cornell University’s Maple Specialist, Steve Childs, offers this video series for beginning sugarmakers.
Most people recognize good tasting syrup and many can pick out when syrup tastes off, but occasionally there is a flavor that is not easily identified. Mark Isselhardt, UVM Extension, and Henry Mackres, retired Vermont Chief of Consumer Protection, discuss syrup flavors (and off-flavors) and sample syrup sent in advance of the session for diagnoses.
How to collect the most sap possible using efficient techniques.
Optimal syrup production starts at the tree, and requires thinking beyond the current season. This session focuses on tapping practices that both maximize yield and ensure long-term sustainability of your sugarbush. Topics include timing of tapping, taphole placement, taphole sanitation, and sap collection.
The components of a maple sap collection system focusing on 5/16″ vacuum systems.
Managing a sugarbush for maple production.
Advertising your business online can often seem overwhelming if you don’t know where to start and what you’re trying to accomplish. Zac Smith, UVM Extension, and Mike Lannen, Eternity Marketing, show you how to set tangible goals, start small, and expand your online advertising with a variety of tools.
Presentation about organic maple defoamer research.