High Vacuum in Gravity Tubing
Gravity tubing systems are widely used in many small to mid-sized operations throughout the maple region. This article summarizes the past 3 years of my research on gravity tubing, or tubing without a vacuum pump.
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Gravity tubing systems are widely used in many small to mid-sized operations throughout the maple region. This article summarizes the past 3 years of my research on gravity tubing, or tubing without a vacuum pump.
Results of an annual survey conducted of New England sugarmakers, capturing information on production practices and results, such as types of equipment used, sap sugar content, sanitation practices, and other data.
University of Maine Cooperative Extension educator Kathy Hopkins discusses the best method to safely tap a maple tree.
University of Maine Cooperative Extension educator Kathy Hopkins discusses the best time of year to tap maple trees in Maine.
A guide to energy efficiency in the sugarhouse.
A spreadsheet to calculate pricing and profit for maple cream, candy, cotton candy, and soda.
During the 2011 maple sap season a variety of research trials were conducted at the Arnot Forest of Cornell University and in the woods of a number of cooperators both with vacuum and gravity systems. Research conducted over the last five years has shown that significant increases in sap yield can be obtained by keeping the tap hole from contamination by bacteria and yeast.
Although a number of factors affect maple sap flow in vacuum tubing systems, it has become increasingly apparent that sap yields are largely a function of two major influences: vacuum level at the taphole and taphole and tubing sanitation.
While you may think that sap pricing should be relatively simple and easy to understand, there are actually many factors that can and should affect sap prices. This article presents a new method for pricing sap and explains how it differs from the traditional pricing guidelines that have been posted annually in the Digest.
An illustrated guide to small-scale syrup production.