Showing 281 – 290 of 395 resources

Pure Maple Syrup Contains Medicinally Beneficial Compounds

University of Rhode Island researcher Navindra Seeram, who specializes in medicinal plant research, has found more than 20 compounds in maple syrup from Canada that have been linked to human health, 13 of which are newly discovered in maple syrup. In addition, eight of the compounds have been found in the Acer (maple) family for the first time.

Sugarbush roots

The root systems of our trees are rather mysterious, and somewhat fragile. It pays to take precautions to protect the part of the tree that is not visible, just as we protect the rest of the tree that we can see.

The aesthetics of sap collecting

A guide to keeping up appearances in your sugaring operation.

Maple production in 2010

A summary of the current state of maple production in New England is based on surveys returned from approximately 210 sugarmakers in April, 2010.

An Alternative Measure of Yearly Maple Syrup Production

Typically, production is measured in terms of the number of gallons produced. In order to evaluate the effects of season length of maple syrup production I propose an alternative measure of seasonal maple syrup production, “Yield-per-Tap/Day.”

Boiling Clean With Air

I have been using the bubbler now for six years. I have found that the bubbler allows me to boil as hard as I want without using any defoamer. Pumping natural clean air into the pans is better than adding defoamer of any kind to make a good tasting and pure product.

An Overview of Consumer Research Conducted to Determine Support for A Standardised Grading System for Pure Maple Syrup

In late summer, 2008 Cintech Agroalimentaire was mandated by the IMSI and the Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Producers to undertake research on their behalf that would serve as input to a potential uniform grading system destined for consumers of maple syrup. It was felt that such a grading system would not only be useful to producers and packers but would also help stimulate sales to customers.

The maples of North America

A description of all the maple species native to North America.