Showing 11 – 20 of 24 resources

How often should you replace droplines?

Many studies have demonstrated the benefits of replacing droplines on sap yields. The research outlined in this article outlines several replacement strategies to allow producers to determine the cost-effectiveness of each.

Maple best management practices

A handbook of best management practices for maple producers to help commercial producers identify possible enhancements to their sugaring operations that maintain high standards of cleanliness in all phases of the process, reduce to the lowest extent possible the potential for contamination of the finished product, and achieve the highest possible quality pure maple syrup.

Chemical Safety in Maple Sugaring Operations

This brochure is intended to raise awareness among sugarmakers about hazardous chemicals commonly being used in sugaring operations as well as the need to use these materials safely, in a way which protects personal and food product safety. This brochure will outline 1) the most common types of chemical hazards associated with sugarhouse chemicals, 2) basic guidelines for using chemicals safely, and 3) where to get more detailed information.