Showing 131 – 140 of 199 resources

A New Method for Pricing Sap

While you may think that sap pricing should be relatively simple and easy to understand, there are actually many factors that can and should affect sap prices. This article presents a new method for pricing sap and explains how it differs from the traditional pricing guidelines that have been posted annually in the Digest.

Maple Syrup Production in a Changing Environment

This report summarizes the results from a survey to document respondent’s experience of changes within maple syrup operations and sugar maple (acer saccharum) ecosystems, including potential changes to regulations, technologies and climate.

Identification of Microbial Spoilage in Maple Syrup Samples

An increasing number of maple syrup samples containing floating masses or surface mold have arrived at the University of Maine Cooperative Extension. Conventional practices have been to discard obvious mold growths, reboil and consume the syrup. This practice may be risky, especially with the increasing number of food borne illness outbreaks with other food products.

2010 Sugaring Season Survey

In mid-April 2010, an invitation to participate in a survey was sent to subscribers of two maple forums. The survey was designed to get some basic information about the operations of the respondents, to describe sanitation practices (changing tubing, spouts, etc.) and to get feedback from users about the Leader Check-valve adapter.

Pure Maple Syrup Contains Medicinally Beneficial Compounds

University of Rhode Island researcher Navindra Seeram, who specializes in medicinal plant research, has found more than 20 compounds in maple syrup from Canada that have been linked to human health, 13 of which are newly discovered in maple syrup. In addition, eight of the compounds have been found in the Acer (maple) family for the first time.

An Alternative Measure of Yearly Maple Syrup Production

Typically, production is measured in terms of the number of gallons produced. In order to evaluate the effects of season length of maple syrup production I propose an alternative measure of seasonal maple syrup production, “Yield-per-Tap/Day.”