Showing 1 – 7 of 7 matching resources

Maple Business Planning Modules

These online maple business modules can be used make plans for an existing business or to strategize for the start-up of a new business. Tools include ‘Annual Production Yield Forecast,’ ‘Pricing and Sales Forecast,’ ‘Annual Budget and Cost Analysis,’ and more. UVM Extension is developing more maple business resources and tools every year.

Maple Business Resources

Useful materials for developing a business plan for your maple operation

Maple Management

These Maple Management pages include a variety of educational resources related to business for current maple producers, prospective maple producers, and forest land managers. Includes annual cost of production analyses, legal resources, business resources, rental and pricing tips, and more.

Resilient Businesses: Adapting to Change 

Maple producers and sellers are adjusting many aspects of their businesses to adapt to the shifting environment of the national pandemic. During this session Mark Cannella, UVM Extension, shares successes and considerations from shifting operations, marketing, and financial approaches to remain viable. Canella is joined by Jenna and Jacob from Baird Farm to share some of their perspectives. 

The Economics of Maple Syrup Production in Ontario

There is ample room to grow the maple market in Ontario. OMSPA commissioned this report and the accompanying budgeting tool to assist maple entrepreneurs in building a solid BUSINESS PLAN to tap into this incredible business opportunity. The accompanying Excel budgeting tool facilitates the exploration of various scenarios of yield, scale, and capital investment to measure the impact on the bottom line profitability.