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Filtering syrup in small batches is a huge pain. Any advice on how to make it easier?
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Filtering syrup in small batches is a huge pain. Any advice on how to make it easier?
Sap filters can remove residue or debris, which may inadvertently enter the sap through the collection system or during storage. Moreover, filtering may improve the storage potential of maple sap, improve sap quality especially during mid- to late-season and help in keeping the evaporator system clean.
Methods, tips, and hints to properly filter maple syrup to achieve clarity.
Best practices for filtering pure maple syrup.
To ensure that your maple syrup is the best it can be, filtering out contaminants before packing is critical. Using paper and cloth filters to do so is an acceptable and inexpensive option.
Many producers use a filter press, which uses a pressure pump to push the syrup through a series of metal plates and frames, separated by single-use pieces of filter paper which capture the particles and result in crystal-clear syrup. For smaller producers, however, using paper and cloth filters and letting gravity pull the syrup through is an acceptable and far less expensive option.
Why it matters to have syrup free of particulates, and how to filter it to do so.
New filter presses do not always include a complete set of instructions and the proper procedures in using a filter press are not always apparent. This publication is meant to provide guidelines for the proper use of plate filter presses.