Showing 181 – 190 of 274 matching resources

Off-flavors in maple syrup: metabolism

One of the many off-flavors that can be found in maple syrup is metabolism, often compared to the taste of wet cardboard or ‘woody.’ This article explains metabolism and how to identify it.

Online Advertising Tools & Takeaways 

Advertising your business online can often seem overwhelming if you don’t know where to start and what you’re trying to accomplish. Zac Smith, UVM Extension, and Mike Lannen, Eternity Marketing, show you how to set tangible goals, start small, and expand your online advertising with a variety of tools.

Pandemic Prompts New Ways to Market Maple

Maple farmers experienced a difficult transition when the COVID-19 outbreak in North America resulted in the shutting down of sugarhouses to the public, particularly during some of the most crucial weekends for in-person maple sales. Sugarmakers had to quickly pivot in order to make up for lost sales in the sugarhouse as well as from wholesale restaurant and school accounts. This shift brought about some creative thinking and innovative solutions to reach customers and promote maple products. Some successful marketing, sales and agritourism strategies have not only helped producers recover lost sales, but have permanently enhanced their future sales approach and marketing plans.

Planning for the Future of your Sugaring Operation

With an aging farmer population, including maple producers, more attention must be paid to how farmers can successfully transition out of active farming. At the same time, burgeoning interest in farming from young (and not so young) folks – many of whom do not come from farm backgrounds – offers creative transition opportunities. Older farmers can arrange for the continuing productive use of sugarbush and other productive lands.

Planning Your Maple Operation

Joe Polak from Maple Hollow discusses how to plan a modern maple syrup operation from the ground up.

Preventing mould in packed maple syrup

Preventing mould in packed maple syrup can be a challenge. Cold-packing syrup usually guarantees mould will grow in bottled containers and can impart off-flavour in the syrup. Maple researchers at the University of Maine and at Carleton University in Ontario are investigating whether current hot packing recommendations require refinement to preserve quality and prevent mould in syrup.