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Ask Proctor: Why Isn’t Sap Yield from a Tree the Same Every Year?

We occasionally hear the question: “Even if the season is late or short, shouldn’t there be the same amount of sap produced during the time that does run than there
would have been if it were longer season or happened at ‘the usual’ time?”

Composition and Properties of Maple Sap, Concentrate, and Permeate

Reverse osmosis is used widely in the maple syrup industry to concentrate maple sap and increase the overall efficiency and profitability of syrup pro-duction. Sets of samples from maple producers utilizing a range of sap con-centration levels were collected and analyzed to provide a portrait of the phy-sicochemical properties and chemical composition of maple sap, concentrate, and permeate across a single production season. The results reinforce that re-verse osmosis functions essentially as a concentration process, without signifi-cantly altering the fundamental proportions of sap constituents.

Evaluating Processing Methods to Produce Safe, Shelf Stable Maple Sap Beverages for Small Operations

In order for sugarmakers to take advantage of the newfound interest in maple sap beverages, processes must be developed that would allow small scale producers to process and package maple sap safely, efficiently, and economically. We investigated several methods that might be employed for seasonal markets during the harvest season of January-April.

Image-analyzing computer in plant science: more and larger vascular rays in sugar maples of high sap and sugar yield

The total area and number of xylem rays and vessels from tangential and cross sections of twigs of 12 sugar maples (Acer saccharum Marsh.) were determined by the use of an image-analyzing computer. A nested analysis of variance indicated that xylem rays of trees of high sap and sugar yield are more numerous and larger than the rays of other sugar maples. The total area and number of xylem vessels were about the same in all 12 trees.

Sap Buying Spreadsheets

This spreadsheet tool helps determine the value of sap based on a range of factors.

UVM Sap Pricing Calculator

This spreadsheet can be used to determine the price per gallon paid to the seller for sap or concentrate based upon a finished syrup density of either 66.0, 66.5, or 66.9¡ Brix and calculated using the “Revised Jones Rule” which can be found at: