Tapping Maple Trees for High Sap Yield
Best management practices to achieve high sap yields when tapping maple trees.
Showing 181 – 190 of all 712 resources in the database
Best management practices to achieve high sap yields when tapping maple trees.
Techniques to manage spout and dropline sanitation in 5/16″ vacuum tubing systems for high yield maple production.
Our objective in this 2020 study was to revisit walnut tree sap flow and to determine whether vacuum applied to sap collection lines would substantially increase the production of walnut sap. Along the way, we made some somewhat startling and troublesome observations and formulated a next generation of questions that need to be answered to allow a viable walnut syrup industry to develop.
During the 2019 sap season, Future Generations University, with funding from the West Virginia Department of Agriculture, began a series of tapping studies on tree species other than maple. We tapped and made syrup from black walnut trees. We had trouble developing the expected natural vacuum on the 3/16-inch lines, even though they had plenty of slope. We assumed that the problem was related to vacuum leaks associated with a poor seal in the soft wood with the minimally tapered spouts.
Hurley Wisconsin maple program presentation by Joe Polak of Maple Hollow on using ROs to make your operation more efficient.
Joe Polak from Maple Hollow discusses how to plan a modern maple syrup operation from the ground up.
Theresa Barun of the Wisconsin maple producers association discusses making good quality maple syrup to the Hurley WI maple crowd in 2020
Jeremy Solon discusses infused maple syrup and the advances in value added maple products. Hurley WI maple program 2020.
Knowledge about grading and judging pure maple syrup is critical to supporting an industry that prides itself on exceptional quality and value. The purpose of this resource is to enable anyone to understand how to enter and judge the quality of maple syrup and maple products. Includes videos and worksheets.
Research findings on high-brix reverse osmosis production.