Sweet Talk: All Things Maple
This ongoing podcast features interviews with researchers and educators about topics related to maple production and marketing.
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This ongoing podcast features interviews with researchers and educators about topics related to maple production and marketing.
Since 1958 the North American Maple Syrup Producers Manual has served as a basic reference source for the production of pure maple products. This 2022 edition provides up-to-date, science-based information and recommendations relating to all aspects of the industry. The guidelines presented will help users ranging from the hobby and beginning producer level to those well-established in the industry. In addition, the information herein will benefit foresters, land managers, Extension and outreach personnel, and others aiming to provide assistance to those in the maple industry. Numerous photographs, tables, a glossary and hyperlinks to selected source materials are included.
This publication is also available in print, at www.mapleresearch.org/ordermanual.
These Maple Management pages include a variety of educational resources related to business for current maple producers, prospective maple producers, and forest land managers. Includes annual cost of production analyses, legal resources, business resources, rental and pricing tips, and more.
North American Maple Producers Manual 3rd Edition. Worksheet tables for Chapter 11 – Economics.
North American Maple Producers Manual 3rd Edition. Worksheet tables for Chapter 11 – Economics.
Maple producers and sellers are adjusting many aspects of their businesses to adapt to the shifting environment of the national pandemic. During this session Mark Cannella, UVM Extension, shares successes and considerations from shifting operations, marketing, and financial approaches to remain viable. Canella is joined by Jenna and Jacob from Baird Farm to share some of their perspectives.
Maple and the maple industry are synonymous with Vermont with its sugar houses and mountain sides with colorful leaves in the fall. The maple industry, beyond producing maple products, contribute to the image of Vermont and to its tourism. This report focuses on the economic contribution of the maple production supply chain from equipment manufacturing, equipment sales, installation to sugaring, packing and production of maple products. Though putting a dollar amount on the contribution of the maple industry to tourism in Vermont would be a complex task, and beyond the scope of this report, the contribution is likely very significant.
There is ample room to grow the maple market in Ontario. OMSPA commissioned this report and the accompanying budgeting tool to assist maple entrepreneurs in building a solid BUSINESS PLAN to tap into this incredible business opportunity. The accompanying Excel budgeting tool facilitates the exploration of various scenarios of yield, scale, and capital investment to measure the impact on the bottom line profitability.