Tapping Red Maples
While sugar maples are the gold standard for sap production, red maples are also an important source of sap for maple products.
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While sugar maples are the gold standard for sap production, red maples are also an important source of sap for maple products.
Birch syrup production uses the same equipment as maple syrup production, and the spring sapflow season begins just as the maple season is ending. Sugarmakers might want to consider adding birch production to their operations to generate additional revenue.
As the maple water industry has grown, this study conducted a taste test of various brands of commonly available maple waters.
The Asian longhorned beetle, Anoplophora glabripennis (Motschulsky), threatens urban and forest hardwood trees both where introduced and in parts of its native range. Native to Asia, this beetle has hitchhiked several times in infested wood packaging used in international trade, and has established breeding populations in five U.S. states, Canada, and at least 11 countries in Europe. It has a broad host range for a cerambycid that attacks living trees, but in the introduced ranges it prefers maples. Identification, classification, and life history of this insect are reviewed here. Eradication is the goal where it has been introduced, which requires detection of infested trees using several approaches, including ground and tree-climbing surveys. Several agencies and researchers in the United States and Europe are evaluating the use of pheromone- and kairomone-baited traps. Control options beyond cutting down infested trees are limited.
The objective of this study was to characterize the chemical composition of the five maple syrup grades, including their pH, conductivity, mineral and carbohydrate contents. In general, quantification of the range of chemical composition for each standard maple syrup grade will strengthen the existing knowledge of maple syrup chemistry.
In the marketplace today, there are numerous instances where a product that does not contain any real maple syrup conveys in various ways, on its packaging or in its advertising and promotion materials, that it does contain real maple syrup or, even, is real maple syrup. The International Maple Syrup Institute (IMSI) and the North American Maple Syrup Council (NAMSC) believe that such behavior is misleading and deceptive to consumers, be it intentional or not, and should be curtailed, much as with any truth in advertising or labeling issue.
Pure maple syrup is on the rise in a declining overall market for pourable syrups. We are moving in the right direction, but still have a long way to go.
Sap flow is only part of what determines the total amount of syrup made (and how much money ends up in a syrup producer’s pocket). New research suggests sugar makers may be advised to look to their trees’ canopies as well as the weather forecast if they want to predict the tapping season.
A table to help determine sap prices, and commentary on the factors that should be considered when purchasing sap.
How and why to code your products for traceability.