Showing 361 – 370 of 395 resources

Seasonal patterns of reserve and soluble carbohydrates in mature sugar maple (Acer saccharum)

Sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) trees exhibit seasonal patterns of production, accumulation, and utilization of nonstructural carbohydrates that are closely correlated with phenological events and (or) physiological processes. The simultaneous seasonal patterns of both reserve and soluble carbohydrates in the leaves, twigs, branches, and trunks of healthy mature sugar maple trees were characterized. The concentrations of starch and soluble sugars (sucrose, glucose, fructose, xylose, raffinose, and stachyose) were determined.

Health of Eastern North American Sugar Maple Forests and Factors Affecting Decline

Sugar maple (Acer saccharum) is a keystone species in the forests of the northeastern and midwestern United States and eastern Canada. Its sustained health is an important issue in both managed and unmanaged forests. While sugar maple generally is healthy throughout its range, decline disease of sugar maple has occurred sporadically during the pastfour decades; thus, it is important to understand the abiotic and biotic factors contributing to sugar maple health.

Comparison of Alternative Sap Ladders Applied Research in Ontario

Sap ladders have been developed by maple producers in response to the challenge of transferring sap over gradients in sugar bushes. The main objectives of the present study are to learn more about sap ladders so that recommendations can be made regarding their comparative effectiveness.

Radial growth of hardwoods following the 1998 ice storm in New Hampshire and Maine

Ice storms and resulting injury to tree crowns occur frequently En North America, Reaction of land managers to injury caused by the regional ice storm of January 1998 had the potential to accelerate the harvesting of northern hardwoods due to concern about the future loss of wood production by injured trees. To assess the effect of this storm on radial stem growth, increment cores were collected from northern hardwood trees categorized by crown injury classes. For a total of 347 surviving canopy dominant and subdominant trees, a radial growth index was calculated (mean annual increment for 1999-2000 divided by the mean annual increment for 1995-1997).

High Pressure Boiler Selection for the Production of Maple Products

Maple producers contemplating the use of high pressure steam should carefully plant their steam system with the assistance of qualified persons. Proper boiler selection to meet the system requirements is an important step in the success of any steam system.

Sugar Maple/Ginseng Research Projects

This project was conducted to determine if ginseng could be cultivated in a sugar maple forest for alternative income.

Testing for Invert Sugar in Maple Syrup

Invert sugar content of syrup determines how well the syrup will crystalize when making value-added products. This article explains how to conduct that test.

Maple Candy and Other Confections

Maple syrup can also be processed into a wide variety of confections including granulated or molded maple sugar, molded soft-sugar candy, maple cream, maple fondant, and “Jack Wax” or “Maple on Snow.” These confections are easy to make, delicious to eat, and make excellent gifts.