New Temperature Compensation Chart for Syrup Hydrometers
New Temperature Compensation Chart for Syrup Hydrometers developed by the University of Vermont Extension
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New Temperature Compensation Chart for Syrup Hydrometers developed by the University of Vermont Extension
This tool is meant to identify off-flavors in syrup, and link the particular sensory experience to a specific defect and category that explains why the defect has occurred. Additionally, this tool serves as a user-friendly representation of the Vermont Agency of Agriculture Farms and Markets (VAAFM) “Maple Syrup Off-Flavors” manual.
The map of maple is a sensory tool, allowing you to explore all the wondrous possibilities of Vermont maple syrup. It offers some hints for tasting on your own.
Guidelines for tapping maple trees have existed for well over 100 years. Early tapping guidelines came about when buckets (gravity collection) were the only technology available for harvesting sap. New tapping guidelines are based on years of research into maple tree growth, sap harvesting practices/technology and a recognition that tree diameter alone does not fully explain all the factors that determine if tapping intensity in a given sugarbush is sustainable. This fact sheet presents sustainable tapping guidelines.
The area of stained sapwood associated with tapping or other wounds in maple trunks has long been interpreted to represent the area of wood that is compartmentalized, and thus unavailable for sap flow. We tested this interpretation by passing dye through maple stems that had been tapped and observing the area that was blocked. Our results indicate that the blocked portion of the trunk associated with a wound taphole is somewhat larger than the area which is visually compartmentalized (stained).
The Cornell Maple Program developed two athlete-approved recipes for a Tart Cherry and a Tangerine Maple Sports Drink. These beverages are designed to hydrate and replenish carbohydrates and electrolytes lost during physical activity. Because of the health-benefits (antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals), Maple Sports Drinks can be marketed as a functional beverage, a lucrative market projected to increase 7.8% from 2021 to 2028.
A recipe for making Mappleau, a maple-derived liqueur made from distilled maple wine and sweetened with pure maple syrup.
A recipe for making maple marshmallows.
This article provides guidelines for addressing issues commonly encountered when making maple cream. Maple cream is a thick, smooth, spreadable confection derived from maple syrup. Its peanut butter-like texture develops when small sugar crystals are formed and held in a supersaturated or concentrated syrup solution. The consistency and quality are controlled by water content and inverted sugar levels.
The objective of this bulletin is to provide information on maple marshmallows for commercial production. This document includes an overview of marshmallow composition, a recipe, regulation requirements, information on packaging and food additives, market projections, and pricing information. Further, this article is the first in a subset of the “Marshmallow Series”, which also includes Dehydrating Maple Marshmallows, and Maple Marshmallow Spread.