Temperature Compensation Chart for Maple Syrup Hydrometers
The University of Vermont Extension’s “New” temperature compensation chart syrup hydrometers. 
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The University of Vermont Extension’s “New” temperature compensation chart syrup hydrometers. 
The area of stained sapwood associated with tapping or other wounds in maple trunks has long been interpreted to represent the area of wood that is compartmentalized, and thus unavailable for sap flow. We tested this interpretation by passing dye through maple stems that had been tapped and observing the area that was blocked. Our results indicate that the blocked portion of the trunk associated with a wound taphole is somewhat larger than the area which is visually compartmentalized (stained).
This video offers a detailed explanation for evaluating color when grading syrup.
This video offers a detailed explanation for evaluating clarity when grading syrup.
This video offers a detailed explanation for evaluating flavor when grading syrup.
This video offers a detailed explanation for evaluating density when grading syrup.