Showing 221 – 230 of all 712 resources in the database

Forest Connect

A collection of videos on sugarbush management and sap production.

Forest Connect Videos

Videos from the Cornell University “Forrest Connect” program.

Forest Pests of North America

The purpose of this website is to provide images and information of insects, diseases, weeds, and abiotic factors that cause damage to urban, managed, and natural forests. This site aggregates pictures, publications, and tools from many sources and packages the resources in an easy, searchable format. This site is intended to be used by homeowners, land managers, volunteers, urban foresters, county agents, outreach educators, and anyone else interested in identifying and managing their trees and forests.

Foresters’ Approach to Sugarbush Management in the Northeast U.S.

This research is focused on a first of its kind survey of professional foresters with the goal of not only understanding the technical approaches foresters use when working in sugarbushes, but also how the surveyed foresters view sugarbush management compared to managing stands for other forest products.

Forestry & Sugarbush Management 

Mark Isselhardt, UVM Extension’s Maple Specialist, shares results from a recent survey of professional foresters that includes approaches and challenges to successful sugarbush management.

Forests of Vermont and New Hampshire 2012

The first full remeasurement of the annual inventory of the forests of Vermont and New Hampshire was completed in 2012 and covers nearly 9.5 million acres of forest land, with an average volume of nearly 2,300 cubic feet per acre. The data in this report are based on visits to 1,100 plots located across Vermont and 1,091 plots located across New Hampshire. Forest land is dominated by the maple/beech/birch forest-type group, which occupies 60 percent of total forest land area.