Showing 31 – 40 of 50 matching resources

Off-flavors in maple syrup: metabolism

One of the many off-flavors that can be found in maple syrup is metabolism, often compared to the taste of wet cardboard or ‘woody.’ This article explains metabolism and how to identify it.

Pure maple gaining on artificial syrups

Pure maple syrup is on the rise in a declining overall market for pourable syrups. We are moving in the right direction, but still have a long way to go.

Rethinking how we determine sap prices

A table to help determine sap prices, and commentary on the factors that should be considered when purchasing sap.

Selling Maple Wholesale Notebook

Market channel selection is as important as production decisions for maple producers. This publication is a decision-making aid for new farmers and for those considering marketing through a new channel. The guide focuses on describing the marketing of maple; however, many of the principles apply to the marketing of other agricultural products.

So You Want to Upgrade Your Maple Syrup?

A new grading system standardizes how all maple producing jurisdictions label their syrup.