Showing 1 – 10 of 107 resources

Effects of the January 1998 Ice Storm on Stem and Root Carbohydrate Reserves, Radial Growth and Tree Vigor in Two Vermont Sugarbushes

The ice storm of January 1998 damaged well over 17 million acres of forest in the northeast, including nearly 1 million acres of forests in Vermont (Figure 1, Miller-Weeks and Eagar 1999, Vermont Department of Forests, Parks & Recreation 2000). Many of the areas which experienced damage were active sugarbushes, with severe damage to tubing systems in affected zones.

Bark removal and taphole closure with arc-barb spouts

The Arc-Barb Spout (UVM Patent Pending) is designed with a shortened barrel to allow improved sap flow from the shallower, more productive sapwood zones in maple stems.

Assessing Damage to Maple Sapwood Caused by Tapping

The area of stained sapwood associated with tapping or other wounds in maple trunks has long been interpreted to represent the area of wood that is compartmentalized, and thus unavailable for sap flow. We tested this interpretation by passing dye through maple stems that had been tapped and observing the area that was blocked. Our results indicate that the blocked portion of the trunk associated with a wound taphole is somewhat larger than the area which is visually compartmentalized (stained).

Invasive Insects of Eastern North American Sugarbushes

Invasive pests have been identified as one of the major threats to biodiversity worldwide. Many bodies, including the United Nations, recognize invasive species for the long-term detrimental impacts that they could have on our ecosystems. The most cost- and effort-saving way of dealing with invasive species is to prevent their initial spread into an area. This guide provides a brief summary of invasive insect pests threatening maple-producing regions of eastern Canada and the United States.

Sugarbush Management Videos

This collection of 13 videos from UVM Proctor Maple Research Center includes topics ranging from invasives to regeneration to culverts.

North American Maple Syrup Producers Manual, 3rd Ed.

Since 1958 the North American Maple Syrup Producers Manual has served as a basic reference source for the production of pure maple products. This 2022 edition provides up-to-date, science-based information and recommendations relating to all aspects of the industry. The guidelines presented will help users ranging from the hobby and beginning producer level to those well-established in the industry. In addition, the information herein will benefit foresters, land managers, Extension and outreach personnel, and others aiming to provide assistance to those in the maple industry. Numerous photographs, tables, a glossary and hyperlinks to selected source materials are included.

This publication is also available in print, at

Reduced Sap Yields When Tapping Into Non- Conductive Wood

According to a recent survey of more than 300 maple producers in the northeast United States, nonconductive wood was hit during tapping on average 4.5% of the time and the responses ranged from 0-41% of the time (UVM Extension 2019 unpublished). Previous research has explored factors that impact the likelihood of tapping into NCW. Significant factors include but are not limited to; dropline length, taphole diameter, tapping intensity (number of taps/tree) and stem growth (van den Berg and Perkins 2014). Other work touched on the relationship between the amount of conductive wood exposed while tapping and yields (Wilmot et al. 2007). But to date, there has been no direct investigation as to the relationship between the percent of NCW is intercepted while tapping and sap yield. The present study sought to understand the relationship between the amount of NCW in a given tap how and the amount of sap collected, as well as understanding if other factors (sap sweetness) might impact total yields between treatments.

Acer saccharum Marsh

Habitat, physiology, and other background on sugar maples.

Acer rubrum L

Habitat, physiology, and other background on red maples.

Acer nigrum Michx

Habitat, physiology, and other background on black maples.