Showing 71 – 80 of 210 resources

Understanding Buddy Off-flavour in Maple Syrup

Acquiring the ability to identify common off-flavours in maple syrup is important for producers. Detecting buddy off-flavour in fresh sap can be difficult, although much easier to taste in finished syrup. Buddy syrup can be described as an unpleasant chocolatey aroma and flavour having a lingering bad aftertaste. Buddy flavour in maple syrup is a food quality issue, not a food safety issue.

Sycamore Sap and Syrup Field Trial

This study showed that sycamore does produce a sweet sap flow that can be boiled down to roduce a syrup. That syrup had a nice taste, that some people say has a butterscotch like flavor. This is a new sap and syrup product, that will need more work to develop taping strategies that could lead to its commercial production. Likewise we need more information on the sap and syrup chemistry before we can provide guidance to potential syrup producers.

Walnut Sap Flow and Syrup Making Field Trial

A 107 tap study area was established at John DalenÕs farm in Franklin WV. At this site we carried out a series of trials to learn about walnut sap flow, and to address sap and syrup production issues as they arose. We also collaborated with walnut sap producers in Palestine and Leon WV, and with Virginia TechÕs Catawba Sustainability Center in Blacksburg VA. The analysis section of this report is based on the work done at the Dalen farm study area.

The Old Maple Diabetic Meter Isn’t Working so Well Anymore

In 2005 testing was started at the Cornell Food Venture Center to see if common diabetic meters could be used to measure invert sugar levels in maple syrup for making a variety of maple value added products where crystalizing the syrup is critical.

Maple Business Resources

Useful materials for developing a business plan for your maple operation

Maple Syrup Density Management

Consistent, accurate measurement of maple syrup density is a challenge for many maple syrup producers. In maple sap and maple syrup, Brix may be determined using either density (hydrometer or hydrotherm) or refractometry (optical or digital refractometer). This is a guide to determining density of maple syrup.