Showing 81 – 90 of 210 resources

Maple Research Program

Collection of research into the composition, properties and potential health of maple ingredients and bioactive compounds.

CDL Maple Sugaring Resources

CDL equipment’s collection of production resources, including proper usage of tools and how-to guides for candy, cream, and other products.

Maple Business Planning Modules

These online maple business modules can be used make plans for an existing business or to strategize for the start-up of a new business. Tools include ‘Annual Production Yield Forecast,’ ‘Pricing and Sales Forecast,’ ‘Annual Budget and Cost Analysis,’ and more. UVM Extension is developing more maple business resources and tools every year.

Maple News Videos

Product Demos and other videos from Maple News.

Chemical and microbial characterization of ropy maple sap and syrup

Ropiness of maple syrup is a phenomenon that can occur several times in the season. The alteration known as ÒropinessÓ is characterized by a viscous, thick, slimy/jelly-like texture which, although not noticeably altering the taste, renders the product unpleasant in terms of mouthfeel. The aim of this study was to estimate the economic impact of production of ropy maple syrup in the region of Quebec, to more deeply identify and characterize bacteria associated to this type of quality defect, and to study the composition of Polysaccharides found in stringy maple syrup.

Ropy Maple syrup

Analysis of research into causes of ropy syrup and prevention.