Showing 31 – 36 of 36 resources

Measuring Sap Flow

Keeping track of the amount of sap being collected is important for maintaining high yields and minimizing losses. This article explains how to measure sap using counters mounted on releasers.

The 3/16 phenomenon

Using smaller-diameter tubing can create a natural vacuum which can increase sap production. This article details some research into this method of sap collection, and offers tips on some practical applications.

Cloudiness’ effect on refractometer measurements

Accurately measuring density is critical to the production of pure maple syrup. This article explores how impurities in syrup can affect the accuracy of tools used to measure density.

How often should you replace droplines?

Many studies have demonstrated the benefits of replacing droplines on sap yields. The research outlined in this article outlines several replacement strategies to allow producers to determine the cost-effectiveness of each.