Sap Value Calculator
Use this online calculator to determine the proper price to pay for sap.
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Use this online calculator to determine the proper price to pay for sap.
Patrick Fry (Ag engineer with VT Agency of Ag. Food and Markets) covers issues related to maple operations and possible water quality issues. This presentation discusses easy (and cheap) solutions for mitigate most concerns the VT Agency of Agriculture (VAAFM) and Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) may have. The talk also covers VAAFM grant programs and how/when they may be applicable.
Whether you anticipate tapping in your backyard with a half dozen trees or you wish to begin a bit more aggressively with several hundred taps, the core techniques and methods are the same. This guide will introduce you to basic maple tree identification and then prepare you for the basics of tree tapping, time of tapping and the logistics of getting started in the woods.
This model estimates the proportion of clear, conductive wood in the tapping zone of an individual tree each year (for 100 years) based on the values input for tree diameter, tapping depth, spout size, number of taps, and dropline length. This is equivalent to the chances of tapping into conductive wood in this tree each year Ð if 80% of the wood in the tapping zone is conductive, you have an 80% chance of hitting conductive wood when you tap that tree. The model can be used to estimate whether various tapping practices are likely to be sustainable. A more complete description of the model and guidelines for its use can be found in the companion technical report “A Model of the Tapping Zone”, which is available on the UVM-PMRC website (
Technical fact sheet with chemical analysis, nutrition information and other analyses for granulated maple sugar.
Technical fact sheet with chemical analysis, nutrition information and other analyses for maple syrup.
Technical fact sheet with chemical analysis, nutrition information and other analyses for maple water.
Technical fact sheet with chemical analysis, nutrition information and other analyses for maple water.
This study compared 141 ecologically relevant climate metrics to field assessments of sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) canopy condition across Vermont, USA from 1988 to 2012. After removing the influence of disturbance events during this time period to isolate the impact of climate, we identified five climate metrics that were significantly related to sugar maple crown condition. While three of these are monthly summary metrics commonly used in climate analyses (minimum April, August and October temperatures), two are novel metrics designed to capture extreme climate events (periods of unusual warmth in January and August). The proportion of climate-driven variability in canopy condition is comparable to the proportion accounted for by defoliating pests and other disturbance events.
No two sugarmakers follow the exact same path. For some, their business grows slowly, one weekend farmers market at a time, and they prefer to stay small. Others build their backyard operations into wholesale businesses that keep them busy year-round. Some enjoy selling directly to their customers. And others would rather focus on production, and let established retailers take care of the rest. These snapshots of four sugaring enterprises illustrate just a few of those successful models.