Showing 131 – 140 of 210 resources

Comparison of Digital Refractometers for Use by Maple Producers

The purpose of the present experiment was to test the precision of a variety of digital refractometers available to maple producers. Additionally, the effect of temperature on refractometer accuracy and precision was investigated, in order to assess the reliability of the automatic temperature compensation feature now present in the majority of refractometers.

When to Stop: Some Factors Affecting The Economics of Processing Grade Syrup

Near the end of each sugaring season, producers must make a decision when to stop making maple syrup. Sometimes the decision is an easy call, such as when the onset of bud break and cessation of sap flow coincide. The decision to stop production can also be the result of careful economic analysis of the cost of production versus value of the product. The variable costs (fuel, labor, filters, etc.) of any maple operation are a key component to this sort of analysis.

Everything you need to know about plastic maple syrup containers

Plastic is made from hydrocarbons derived from petroleum or natural gas. The hydrocarbons are formed into chains called polymers or plastic resins. Different combinations of hydrocarbon molecules produce different types of plastic. There are seven different types of plastic resins, each with different features. For example, some are resistant to acids and some to caustics. Others may be able to withstand high and/or low temperatures. Some plastics are rigid and some are flexible. There are impact resistant plastics and those that are not. Certain plastics provide a good moisture and/or gas barrier – several are appropriate for contact with food.

How to Choose an Evaporator

When choosing an evaporator, it’s important to find the right size, fuel type, and tools to maximize efficiency.

Off-flavors in maple syrup: metabolism

One of the many off-flavors that can be found in maple syrup is metabolism, often compared to the taste of wet cardboard or ‘woody.’ This article explains metabolism and how to identify it.

United States Standards for Grades of Maple Syrup

Voluntary U.S. grade standards are issued under the authority of the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946, which provides for the development of official U.S. grades to designate different levels of quality. These grade standards are available for use by producers, suppliers, buyers, and consumers. As in the case of other standards for grades of fresh and processed fruits, vegetables, and specialty crops these standards are designed to facilitate orderly marketing by providing a convenient basis for buying and selling, for establishing quality control programs, and for determining loan values.