Showing 141 – 150 of 210 resources

Birch can help increase your maple operation profits

Birch syrup production uses the same equipment as maple syrup production, and the spring sapflow season begins just as the maple season is ending. Sugarmakers might want to consider adding birch production to their operations to generate additional revenue.

Chemical composition of five standard grades of pure maple syrup

The objective of this study was to characterize the chemical composition of the five maple syrup grades, including their pH, conductivity, mineral and carbohydrate contents. In general, quantification of the range of chemical composition for each standard maple syrup grade will strengthen the existing knowledge of maple syrup chemistry.

Rethinking how we determine sap prices

A table to help determine sap prices, and commentary on the factors that should be considered when purchasing sap.

Producing Syrup from Black Walnut Trees in the Eastern United States

Though it is not well known, all species of walnut (Juglans spp.) produce a sweet sap that can be boiled down into valuable syrup. There is a well-established resource of black walnut (Juglans nigra) trees throughout eastern North America that could be utilized for syrup production to complement existing sugaring operations.

Counting Sugar Makers

Analysis of the 2012 U.S. Census of Agriculture’s report on the maple industry.

Cloudiness’ effect on refractometer measurements

Accurately measuring density is critical to the production of pure maple syrup. This article explores how impurities in syrup can affect the accuracy of tools used to measure density.

Reverse Osmosis for Maple Syrup Option 2

Cornell University’s Maple Specialist, Steve Childs reviews a second reverse osmosis system for a small-scale maple syrup producer. Reverse osmosis greatly reduces the time and energy spent in boiling maple syrup by pulling much of the water from the sap before the boiling process begins. Sap can be put through the system repeatedly and becomes more concentrated with each pass through the RO membrane. Boiling the concentrated sap at the end is always necessary however, as that greatly contributes to maple syrup’s rich flavor.